
I’ve decided to have a good time today.

It’s a new day.  It’s a new week.  And soon to be a new month.

It’s my time and I’m going to have some fun with it.  I’m not going to have a Monday where I lament all the things that need to be done after the busy weekend.  I’m going to challenge myself to see if I can catch up the laundry.  Maybe clear off a few counters.  I might even sweep and vacuum.  I can’t get it all done.  I might have, in the past, been guilty of trying to get the whole house back together, but not today.  That would be unrealistic.  I’m not going to do that to myself today…or this week… plans for a whole month would be pushing it.  I’m gonna keep it simple.  And just do my best.

I’ve also prepped a new canvas.  I mentioned a new project a while back.  It got started as a fabric and thread effort and has since morphed into something new.  It’s moving to a canvas and it’s ready.  I’m going to work on that today.  I have a new direction I want to try out.

That’s what’s awesome about today.  It’s new.  I can choose what to do with it.  Life may make some choices for me, but I get to choose how I deal with it.

May you find something new and positive and fun in your day today!

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